Population Problems of Bangladesh
Use and Abuse of Television
Duties of Students
Population Problem of Bangladesh
Future plan or Aim in life
Childhood Memories
The Season I Like Most
Wonders of Modern Science
Importance of Newspaper
The Journey You Recently Made (Boat/Train)
Visit to Historical Interest
1. Population Problems of Bangladesh
Introduction: Population problem, like energy crisis, is one of the most talked of topics of the world these days. It is the burning question of Bangladesh. Now the world has a population of about seven hundred crores. The population of the world is increasing day by day. It is creating many problems.
Population of Bangladesh: Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. It is a small country of 147570 square kilometers. But it has a population over 16 crores. Every year more than two million people are being added to our population. The problem is now out of control.
When it becomes a problem: Though the population of a country is an asset, it becomes a problem when the country can not afford to give people the basic necessaries of life like food, clothing, education, medicine and shelter etc.There are many causes of rapid growth of population. Nowadays owing to better explosion of medical facilities and improvements of standard of living the death rate has gone down much but on the other hand the birth rate is on the constant increase. Early marriage and literacy rate are two important causes of the growth of population. The population of our country is increasing at an alarming rate
It’s effect: The area of Bangladesh is too small to support her vast population. As a result it creates the following problems.
How to remove it: We should all come forward to control it. The government of Bangladesh is trying to control it. To remove this problem we should follow the following arrangements.
Family planning: Each family must not have more than two children. Then each family will be planned. They should be made aware of the gravity of the problem.
Education of the masses: To check the growth of population, top-most importance should be attached to education of the masses. If the entire population are educated, there would develop a sense of national awareness and wide outlook among them.
Stop early marriage: If we do not stop early marriage, the people of our country will be increasing at an alarming rate day by day.
Others: We can export man to other countries to remove the population crisis. To remove this problem, the lesson of self reliance is particularly needed for us.
Conclusion: The population problem is a great malady for Bangladesh. But this can be solved if the government and the people are firmly determined to control birth rate and grow more food at the same time. No improvement is possible unless this problem is solved. Therefore, all the people of Bangladesh and the government
should join hands to meet the crisis right at this moment before it is too late.
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2. The Use and Abuse of Television
Gone are the days of the 'old fashioned' entertainment. Television
is an important invention of this century. Its great effect upon society is
remarkable. It can be found in any large city in the world. Television does an appreciable and efficient work for mankind. It is one of the greatest educators. Most ordinary people, would have known little about documentary programs about foreign countries, instructional programs on engineering, science, medicine and so on. To add to the knowledge of the pupils, in some parts of the world television has been introduced in the classroom. Television provides good entertainment, the greatest excitement and creates an interest in the arts. Very good plays are to be seen nowadays on television. A piano recital or an orchestra, a grand ball or a clandestine love affair drama keeps the home audience glued to the television. To the old people and the sick, the television has become a companion. They no longer feel lonely and lost. Television entertains them and makes them happy. Spacemen today are making enormous strides in the space race. Television has its use in their field too. Photographs can now be relayed to earth from space by means of television. Unfortunately, it also has its disadvantages. People spend too much time in front of it. Children are likely to neglect their studies. If television has too strong a hold, even elderly people are likely to neglect some of their important work. When too much emphasis is given on violence, vice, and crime programs it has a disastrous effect upon the young. But if this medium is used properly it can become an advantage and not a disadvantage to mankind. Then only will it gain the wide appreciation it deserves. |
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3. Duties of Students
Student Life/Duties of a Student Free Essay Help And College Term Paper
[Introduction, Duties, Voluntary Work, Conclusion]
life is the best period of a man’s life. It is the most impotent time
of life. It is called the sowing season of life. During this period, a
student must cultivate some good qualities for bright future. The future
of a person depends much on the student period because in this period a
person’s future is created. Actually, the succeed and failure in man’s
life depends much on the utilization of this period.
are much duty and responsibility of a student. The first and foremost
duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. But, he must not confine
himself to the prescribed books only. He must read newspaper, magazines,
nobles, dramas during his leisure. This kind of reading will widen
their mental horizon and enable them to be acquainted with many things
of the world. Moreover, he should follow some rules and regulations. He
should not waste valuable time. He should attend to his class regularly.
We know that good health is the key to success. To be successful in
life, a student must take care of his health. To keep his body fit, he
should take regular physical exercise. Because, without taking physical
exercise, a student cannot lead a healthy and comfortable life.
student should not engage himself in his/her own work. He has also some
duties and responsibilities to the people of the society. We know that
most of the people of our country are poor and illiterate. A student can
teach the illiterate people. He can help the villagers to change their
poor condition. He can teach them about family planning, health,
nutrition, children rising and scientific method of cultivation etc.
During natural calamities, people need help. In time of flood, famine,
cyclone, earthquake and epidemic students should come forward to help
the affected people. They should collect food, clothes, medicine etc.
and distribute them amongst the affected people. A student should
respect his parents and teachers. He should be well behaved, punctual
and disciplined in every sphere of life. He must abide by the rules and
regulations of his institution. He must be gentle and amiable. He must
also avoid evil company. He must be honest in life. Without honesty, any
kind of succeed is not possible at all. A student must be truthful
also. Because, truthfulness is the key to all succeed.
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5. Future plan or Aim in life
Essay Or Composition about My Aim in Life Or My Future Plan
My Aim in Life Or My Future Plan
should have an aim in life. A man without an aim in life is merely a
toy of circumstances. He drifts aimlessly and can never achieve success
in his life. So, a man should fix the aim of his life. He may face many
difficulties in realizing it, but if he has a strong determination, he
must achieve success. I have already fixed the aim of my life. I want to
become a doctor. There are several reasons for my choice.
profession of a doctor in noble. He renders a valuable service to the
suffering mankind. He is the symbol of hope and joy. The face of a man
suffering from acute pain brightens as soon as the doctor arrives. The
doctor gives him a pill and his pain is cured. A good doctor is
respected as an angel.If I become a doctor, I can earn a lot of money. I
am not a heartless man. When I become a doctor, I shall treat the poor
patients without charging fees.
is a great dearth of doctors in our country. A large number of people
living in our villages die of various diseases owing to lack of medical
facilities. I have made up my mind to serve the rural people.
want to become a doctor, because I am by nature kind and humane. I am
pained to see people suffering from various kinds of diseases. My desire
to serve the ailing mankind prompts me to become a doctor.
to these reasons I have decided to become a doctor. I have taken up
Physics, Chemistry and Biology for the Secondary School Examination. My
future plans are to get myself admitted to a good Medical College. After
passing the M.D. Examination I shall go abroad for higher studies.
If everything goes according to my plan. I must become a good doctor. I wish my sweet dream would be fulfilled.
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6. Childhood Memories Easy
Introduction: Man is fond of turning back from the present to the past again and again. Nothing is more pleasant to him than memories of his childhood. The memories of my childhood haunt me like a passion. Whenever I am sick of the present, I try to get relief in the past days of my childhood. A man can not remember everything that happened in his childhood. But certain events are stored in the sub-conscious mind. They sometime peep through minds eye.
My play-ground and the Teesta: My playground was the bank of the mighty Teesta. In all the seasons this river had great attraction for me. Whenever I was not at home, I could be found on its bank. Threre would be other children also with me. We used to row on the river, jump into it and swim in it. I often saw the Teesta in fury too. On one occasion when we were playing on its bank, suddenly patches of clouds made their appearance in the sky and a strong wind began to blow. My companions ran away in fear, but I did not. The storm made my heart dance with the surging waves of the river. The river swelled up and dashed violently against its sandy banks. I shall never forget the scene in my life.
The village maktab: The village maktab was another interesting place. An old Maulovi Shaheb used to teach us there. It was housed in a small hut attached to the village mosque. A large number of boys and girls used to attend. We would learn lesson with deafening noise, but our old teacher did never threaten us. He was, infact, too old to do so. Though we did not fear him, we surely love him.
Headmaster but his smilling face and gentle words put me at ease. I was admitted into class 1. The warmth with which my classmates received me dispelled all my fears.
The village hat: Another interesting memory is the village hat. The hat used to sit twice a week near a river. I usually went there with some other children. The seemed to me to be wonderful place. It was one of the biggest hats in the locality. We used to take with us our little fund of a few paisa and buy sweets from the vendors. After spending a few hours there, we would come back after night-fall.
In search of birds: There was a bush near our house. Hundreds of birds made their nests in that bush. Sometimes I went there with other boys. Some adventurous boys caught small birds from the holes of the tree.
Activities during holidays: During holidays when my mother went to sleep at noon, We went to the railway line. There I together with other children gathered pebbles. We watched how the trains passed with innumerable unknown facts.
Education: My father got appointment in a town school and he moved to the town immediately with all the members of the family. I was admitted into my fathers school. I felt that my school-fellows did not love me. They had no bothering feeling for one another as we had in the village. There was no freedom, no joy as we had in the village.
Conclusion: I was sorry to be in the town. But there was no help. However I have gradually adjusted myself to town life. I have now new friends and companions and am more or less happy. But my heart aches for the happy childhood days. Childhood is free from worries and has infinite capacity for enjoyment.
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7. The Season I Like Most
The season I like most /
My favourite season
There are six seasons in Bangladesh. I like all the
seasons but I like the spring most. Spring is my favourite season and perhaps
it is favourite to all. Spring comes to us with many pleasant things and
beautiful scenes and sounds. Spring is called the queen of seasons for its so
many attractive features.
Spring comprises with the Bangla months of Falgoon and
Chaitra. It starts at the end of winter. After the end of spring, Bangla New
Year begins.
I like the spring for many reasons. The summer is a
season of terrible heat. Everybody feels uneasy. During the rainy season the
roads become muddy. There is water everywhere. People can not move easily. They
face many difficulties. During the autumn and late autumn these disadvantages
do not fully disappear. In winter people shiver in cold. [There is dense fog everywhere.
The poor people and the children suffer a lot for want of warm clothes.] But
the spring has none of these disadvantages.
After winter the
spring comes with her lovely appearance. It comes with pleasant sights and
sounds .Fields and meadows become green. Flowers bloom in different trees. Spring
is the season of songs. Birds sing from behind the new leaves. We hear the
cuckoo singing sweetly. During the spring the bees are busy in gathering honey.
A gentle breeze blows. Everything looks gay and cheerful. Mango, black-berry,
lichies have buds on them. Farmers also sow the seeds of rice and jute. There
are village fairs on different occasions.
Spring lasts only for two months but it stirs up everybody’s mind and mentality. It also leaves an indelible print on my mind. I can not forget its influence as well as attachment all the year round.
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8 . The Wonders of Modern Science
Introduction: We live in the age of science.We can see the wonders of science around us.Science has made our life easy and comfortable.We can not think of our modern life without science.
Electricity: The first wonder of modern science is the discovery of electricity.It has changed our life,society and culture.It is a great source of power and energy.It works like magic.The radio,television,lights,fans,electric iron,mills,factories.In fact we can not think of our modern life and civilization without science.
Recreation: Science has discovered many wonders for our recreation.We have cinema,television,radio,tape recorder,gramophone and and V.C.R etc. for our recreation.Television is one of the greatest wonders of modern science.We can see the pictures of the whole world on the screen of television.We can hear songs and musics,enjoy drama,dance,debate etc.We can see the world figures and listen their speeches through television.The radio is one of the wonders of science.It gives us news,song,dance etc.
In education: Science has spread education among people.Printing press has made books cheap and available.Thousands of books,magazines,newspapers are printed every hour.
In agriculture: Science has done wonders in the field of agriculture.Farmers use scientific tools for cultivation and grow more foods,crops,fruits etc.
In construction: In the past it takes long time to complete a huge complex.But now a days it takes only a few days.It has been possible only for scientific inventions.
Transport: science has removed the distance of place.It has save time.We can travel hundreds of miles within a short time by cars,buses,trains,lunches and steamers. Aeroplane can carry us to the different parts of the world.We also carry goods easily through this transport.
The reader: The reader is another wonderful invention.It gives us signal about weather forecast.It also warns us by detecting the enemy planes.
Nuclear weapons: Nuclear energy is another wonder of modern science.Atom and hydrogen bombs are invented with the use of nuclear energy.
The space crafts: The rocket is another wonder of science.It has made space travel easy.Man has landed on the moon successfully.
Computer and calculators: Nowadays computer and calculators have brought a great change in the history of human civilization.Modern world can not go even a single day without computer.
Conclusion: Science is the greatest of all conquerors both past and present.It knows on defeat.It has established itself firmly in our hearts.
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9. Importance of Newspaper
Newspaper Or, importance of reading newspaper
Introduction: man is naturally curious to know about carious events of the world. The newspaper is the best medium to satisfy this curiosity. It is a paper the carries news to us. It tells us what is happening at home and abroad. It is the store-house of knowledge and information.History: the newspaper was first published in china” the Indian gazette” published in 1774 was the printed newspaper of these sub-continent. The first bangle newspaper was the” samachar darpan.”
Kinds of newspaper: there are many kinds of newspapers. They are dailies, weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies, pictorials etc. The daily news papers, they are dailies, weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies, pictorials etc. The daily newspapers contain the news of daily affairs of home and abroad. The daily ittafuq, the janakantha, the dainik bangla, the nzad, the I nqolab, the jugantor, the prothome-alo, the Bangladesh Obserwer and the Bangladesh times are the main daily newspapwrs in Bangladesh. The bichitra, the barttaman dinkal and the chaya chnda are the main weekly magazines.
Importance/ usefulness: newspaper plays a vital role in modern cavitations. We cannot think of modern world without it. It is wary useful to all sections of people. Through it we can learn about all important things what happen in the world within twenty four hours. Reports of market conditions games and sports, political and economic situation of the country come to us through it everyday. It highlights the news of various interest and the views of important personalities.
Newspaper has an educative value. Mere bookish knowledge is not sufficient in this completive world. A newspaper helps one enrich one, s general knowledge. A man who does not read newspapers is like a frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant of the current affairs, he can’t take part in the talks and discussions in an enlightened society and thus he feels like a fish it of water.
Demerits: a newspaper is not altogether free from evils. It has some demerits also. Sometimes it publishes false or partisan news. It excites public feelings.
Conclusion: in spite of its defects newspaper is the most useful thing in modern life. We cannot think of a day without it. It is a looking glass of the modern worked. So we should read Newspaper regularly.
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[Hints: introduction, history, kinds, values, demerits, conclusion]
Newspaper is the gift of modern civilization. We cannot do
without newspaper. Newspaper is rightly called the store-house of
knowledge. It c contains all the news of home and abroad. China was the
first country to publish newspaper. In Europe, Venice was the first
country to introduce it. ‘The Indian gazette’ was the first newspaper in
this sub-continent. ‘The samachar darpan’ was the first Bengali
newspaper which was published by the missionaries. Newspapers are of
various kinds. They are dailies, weeklies, fortnightlies and monthlies.
Most of us read daily newspaper. Newspapers are of great importance to
us. Newspapers are of great importance to us. By reading newspapers we
can know many things of the world. A Businessman can know the
world-market. A sportsman can know the sports news of the world. The
government can circulate the state policy through them. The learned men,
the artists, the lawyers and the politicians can know many useful
things by reading them. Thus they satisfy all. Newspaper mould public
opinion. It also helps publicity. It has much educative value. The
teachers and the taught learn their literary aspects, the scientists
learn of the recent inventions and the doctors learn of the recently
invented medicines. Sometimes newspapers report incorrectly. They spread
hatred and discontent. They excite the public things and do much harm
to the country. Inspire of it some demerits, the newspapers is the most
important thing in the modern world. The more we read newspaper, the
more we acquire knowledge. We cannot do without newspapers. So
newspapers should rise above all pettiness and should not misuse their
power.All Right OnStudy Study for student life
10. The Journey You Recently Made (Boat/Train)
A Journey by Boat
Introduction: A journey by boat is very pleasant as well as
interesting. At the same time it is something like a thrilling adventure
to man living in a city. Pent up in a noisy and crowded city like
Dhaka, I naturally jumped at the suggestion of some of my friends
contemplation for a journey by boat.
Time and preparation: It was the month of October, 2010. We made
our journey from Dhaka Sadarghat to Munshigonj. We were six in number.
We hired a large boat and made all possible preparation for this
journey. The day was nice. The river was calm and quiet.
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A Journey by Boat |
Description of the journey: We started our journey at 12 noon. The
boatman began to row the boat and the boat was moving swiftly. Gentle
breeze was blowing. The small waves were beating against it. The ripples
of the river made a sweet murmuring sound. While passing through, we
enjoyed the beautiful sights on both the sides of the river. At about 3
p.m. our boat touches the ghat of a village market. We got down from the
boat and bought a large ‘Hilsha fish’. The boatman cooked it and we had
a nice meal. After resting for a while we started our journey again.
Then the evening came with all its beauties and glories. The last rays
of the setting sun reflected on the calm water that enhanced the beauty
or the river more affluently. We got on the roof of the boat and enjoyed
the grand sight of the nature. The crimson rays of the setting sun
added to the beauty of the green fields charmed us. After seven hours
journey we reached Munshigonj ghat at about 6 p.m. Some of our friends
were waiting for us at the ghat. They accorded us a hearty reception.
The return journey: We spent a happy time with them. After a
lapse of about two hours we again got into the boat and started our
journey. Our return journey was equally pleasant. The boat was passing
very gently. It was a moon-lit night. All my friends came out of the
boat and sat on the roof. The moon’s beam flooded the whole river and
filled it with uncommon beauty. Out of joy one of my friends began
singing a sweet song. I thought I was in a dream land where only joy and
beauty reign. The boatman also began to sing:-
“Row, row, row, the boat, gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream”.
When the night advanced, we entered into the cabin and lie down and fell
asleep. The next morning when we woke up it was just daylight. Our boat
reached the Sadarghat. We got down from the boat. Thus, our journey by
boat to a happy end.
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Introduction: A journey by bus is an interesting pursuit to me. A
few days ago I had an opportunity to make a Journey by bus. It was my
first as well as the most pleasant bus Journey of my life.
Times and Occasion: It was the month of January. My Annual
Examination got over. I had recess for some days. My parents decided to
go to my uncle’s house in Jamalpur by bus. Hearing the decision my heat
danced with joy. On the fixed day we reached the bus station in due time
and got into the bus.
Description of the journey: It was winter. There was pleasant
sunshine. The bus started punctually at 7 A.M. I, keeping myself aloof,
sat beside a window and looked outside through it. The sun was rising
with all its splendid beauty. Dewdrops on the soft grass and meadows
were glittering like pearls. I enjoyed these scenes and sights with a
cheerful mind. I enjoyed these scenes and sights with a cheerful mind.
Things come to my vision and disappeared in the twinkle of an eye.
Everything on either side seemed running swiftly to opposite direction.
While the bus was running through the forest the tall trees with green
leaves over head gave a nice view. I was really charmed at the green
panoramic beauties of nature. It filled my heart with great joy. The bus
ran at a stretch without stopping for two hours. Then it stopped at
Bhayra. There was a restaurant by the road side. We got down from the
bus and had light refreshment there.
After sometimes the bus began its journey again crossing the green
fields on both the sides of the road. Here and there I saw cattle
grazing and farmers working in the field. At 12 noon we reached Jamalpur
and thus our journey came to a happy end. Our return journey was
equally a pleasant one.
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Introduction: In modern days man remains preoccupied with his
daily activities and worldly affairs. He has no time to enjoy the beauty
of nature and refresh himself. But the journey by train may serve him
well if he wants to escape the monotonous urban life and pass the time
in the midst of natural beauty.
Time and occasion: My annual examination got over. I had recess
for some days. During this time of the year the weather is good enough
to make a journey. Incidentally I, with some of my friends took a sudden
decision to go my sister’s house in Chittagong by train. Accordingly,
on the appointed day we reached Kamalapur railway station by taxi before
sunrise. We bought our tickets and got into the train. The guard blew
the whistle, waved his green flag and the train began to move.
Description of the journey: The train began running at a full
speed. I am fond of scenic beauty from the very beginning of my life. I,
keeping myself aloof, sat beside a window and looked outside through
it. The sun was rising with all its splendid beauty. Dew drops on the
soft grass of meadows were glittering like pearls. I enjoyed these
scenes and sights with a joyful mind. By this time the train was moving
through rural areas. I gazed and gazed at the house, trees, meadows with
golden crops and other panoramic view with a cheerful mind. Things came
to my vision and disappeared in the twinkle of an eye.
My mind was full of joy. I looked and looked through the window. Everything seemed running swiftly to opposite direction. The train ran at full speed. Now and then it crossed a bridge over a river with a chattering noise. As it was an express train, it touched only at a few big stations. At about noon when the train entered the Chittagong district I felt great joy seeing the hills on either side of the line as I had not seen a hill before. After eight hours journey at last our train reached Chittagong railway station at about 1 p.m. We got down from the train and went to my sister’s house by taxi. Our return journey was equally pleasant one.
My mind was full of joy. I looked and looked through the window. Everything seemed running swiftly to opposite direction. The train ran at full speed. Now and then it crossed a bridge over a river with a chattering noise. As it was an express train, it touched only at a few big stations. At about noon when the train entered the Chittagong district I felt great joy seeing the hills on either side of the line as I had not seen a hill before. After eight hours journey at last our train reached Chittagong railway station at about 1 p.m. We got down from the train and went to my sister’s house by taxi. Our return journey was equally pleasant one.
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13. Visit to Historical Interest
Essay on My Visit to a Place of Historical Interest
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Essay on My Visit to a Place of Historical Interest |
Traveling is an important part of education. In the stress and strain of
our daily life we become weary. We become impatient to get relieved and
relaxed. By travelling we seek refuge from the monotony of life. I am a student
of a reputed college where strict discipline is maintained. We enjoy less
number of holidays than other institutions. As a result, I along with my
friends was waiting for a vacation. We took decision that we would go on a tour
to a place of historical interest. At last the long cherished vacation came and
we went to visit the Shat Gombuj Mosque and the mausoleum of Khan Jahan Ali at
We got on the the 'Simanta Express' from Kamlapur Railway Station at around
7.15 pm. The train started to roll after five minutes. For some time we were
talking on various subjects. Then I fell asleep. I awoke once on my way to
Khulna. It is almost 9 am next morning when we reached Khulna Railway Station.
We went to the Parjatan Motel, had our bath and breakfast and took some rest.
We left motel right at 11 am and crossed Rupsha Ferry Ghat. Then we got on the
bus bound for Bagerhat. After an hour and half, we reached our desired place.
The Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali is a fine one storied building. It has a
beautiful dome. Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali was buried there. The tomb was made of
cut out stones. It cannot be accurately said where from these stones were brought.
But there is a hearsay that saint Khan Jahan Ali brought these stones from
Chittagong by floating on water. On the tomb there are some inscriptions in
Arabic. An inscription says that he died on 25th October, 1459. There is also a
small mosque nearby. A close associate of Khan Jahan Ali was buried outside the
tomb. On the night of the full moon of the month of Chaitra, a big fair is held
beside the Mazar. Many people attend the fair.
I also visited the Shatgambuj Mosque. It is the largest brick-built mosque
in the country. Unfortunately, it is in dilapidated condition now. The mosque
stands on sixty pillars having seventy seven exquisitely curved domes. It is
said that Khan Jahan Ali ran his administration from there. The mosque is a
great attraction to the tourists and visitors. There is also a big pond near
the Shatgambuj Mosque. This pond is called 'Ghoradighi' because it was a race course
before its excavation. I visited the dighi and came to know many things about
the social work of Khan Jahan Ali.
Bagerhat is undoubtedly a place of historical interest. I spent eight hours
there and saw many historical things and enjoyed myself. I left Bagerhat but
the memory of Bagerhat is still ever fresh in my mind. History is the evidence
of the past. We can know our own past culture and heritage by paying visit to
the places of historical interests. This will help increase our knowledge and
at the same time remove our monotony resulted from study and give us fresher
energy for the further study.
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Colleceted By Md. Shamim Hossen Sourav
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1 মন্তব্য(গুলি):
This is a wonderful writing. I am really appreciated to get this piece of writing.Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
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