Present Tense ~ Study For Student Life (Students Tools)

Present Tense

Present Tense
Present Tense:  Verb Gi KvR hLb eZ©gvb †K wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Present Tense e‡j| Example: Kamal is reading book. Nayem play cricked.
Present Tense Avevi Pvi cÖKvi|
i. Present Indifinite Tense: eZ©gvb Kv‡j †Kvb KvR mPivPi N‡U ev Af¨vmMZ Kg©, wPišÍb mZ¨, ˆeÁvwbK mZ¨, wbKU fwel¨Z, †Kvb Dw³ BZ¨vw` †evSvq Zv‡K Present indefinite Tense e‡j|
Structure: Sub + V1 (s/es) + Object + Extension.  Example-
He reads a book.
The man takes exercise regularly.
The moon gives us light.
Sahjalal builds the Tajmahol.
The school opens on the 5th march.
Grasp are sour.
Note: Always, regularly, something, often, seldom(), generally, usually, normally, every time, frequently, whenever    GB Word ¸‡jv  mvaviYZ Present indefinite Tense G e¨eüZ nq|

ii. Present Continuous Tense: eZ©gv‡b †Kvb KvR Pj‡Q ev Pjgvb †evSv‡j Zv‡K Present Continuous Tense e‡j|
Structure: Sub + am/is/are+ Verb + ing  + Object + Extension.  Example-
They are going to school now.
He is coming tomorrow.
The child is crying in the room.
The population of Bangladesh is increasing day by day.
Note: KwZcq Verb i‡q‡Q hv Present Continuous Tense G mvaviYZ e¨eüZ nq bv| h_v- see, hear, smell, notice, recognize, appear, seem, want, wish, desire, feel, like love gate, hope, refuse, prefer, think, suppose, believe, agree, know, understand, mind.

iii. Present Perfect Tense: ‡Kvb KvR GB gvÎ †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ dj GL‡bv we`¨gvb i‡q‡Q Giæc †evSv‡j Zv‡K Present Perfect Tense e‡j|
Structure: Sub + have/has + V3 + Object + Extension.  Example-
I have done the sum.
Kamal has studied for hours.
Note: just, already, yet, recently, lately, so far GB Word ¸‡jv  mvaviYZ Present Perfect Tense G e¨eüZ nq|
He has just reached home.
I have already completed my B.B.A (Hons)

iv. Present Perfect Continuous Tense: AZx‡Z ‡Kvb KvR ïiæ n‡q GL‡bv Pj‡Q †evSv‡j Zv‡K  Present Perfect Continuous Tense e‡j|
Structure: Sub + have been/has been + Verb +ing + Object + Extension.  Example-
It has been raining since 7 a.m.
I have been reading for 5 hours.
Different between For & Since
For + Duration of time/ period of time
          For ten hours, For five month, For twenty years.
Since + beginning time/ point of time
          Since morning, Since 1995, Since 7 p.m   StudyForStudentLife     
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